Complimentary Visions of Tikkun Olam Poster


If you are a Jewish school (day school or religious school), Voices & Visions is happy to send you a gift of a new educational resource - a 24"x30" poster called VISIONS OF TIKKUN OLAM.  


The poster features 12 works of art made by children ages 7-12 reflecting the many ways we can "fix the world".  It is accompanied by a lesson guide.


Click here to see the featured posters enlarged - the first 12 in our Visions of Tikkun Olam gallery.


To receive your poster and lesson guide send an email to [email protected] with the following information:


  • Name, Position and Email of Requester
  • Name of School
  • Shipping Address (must be in domestic U.S. or Canada)

And please indicate if you a member of a PJ Library community

